Sunday, July 4, 2010

Jordan's June 14, 2010 letter

June 14, 2010

Dear Family,

Happy Flag Day! Thanks for the cool pictures you guys sent me - I loved them! And also for all your great letters that you sent me :) they were awesome! And you guys really inspired me to be better, to be more obedient, and to work harder here in the Lord´s vineyard to bring as many of His children back to the truth as possible. Thanks for all your support and love!

We had lots of fun at Pizza Libre and at the Basilica. It was raining a ton today! I´m very happy I have Dad´s old trench coat, because it protects me a ton from being soaked! We first took pictures outside of the cathedral, and that was fun (a little hard to do with the rain - I didn´t want to get my new camera wet!). It was tougher because Elder Ibañez didn´t have a camera with him, because his last companion hauled the charger to it off with him, so I was switching our memory cards out a lot so he could get some pictures. It was really interesting to visit the place and to see how they do some things there. Man, Troy would have loved this place! The architecture is awesome, and there are like a million virgins from all over the world for people to see (I took pictures of lots of them). I´ll be happy to send you guys some pictures next week of how it all went!

I´m glad Heavenly Father protected us this week and that everything is alright.

Miguel Benavidez has decided once again that he wants to get baptized! Yay! We´ll be pulling out a baptismal date with him this week to get him into the waters of baptism as soon as possible. We are very happy for him and we know that this is going to help him and his wife and family out a ton, and that they´ll almost be a complete family of baptized members of the church! He´s an awesome guy and we´re very happy with this news :).

There´s another kid who wants to get baptized, but the tricky part will be getting permission from his mom and grandma, who share custody over him. We´ll see what happens - and pray lots - that they let him do it, but that might be a little bit of a battle, we´ll see what happens.

All is well in Luján once again! We´ll be working hard and doing our best. I love my family! Thanks for all your support and for helping me in all that you do, and I´ll be looking forward to your letters this next week!

Elder Nuttall

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