Sunday, July 4, 2010

Jordan's June 21, 2010 letter

To the Family,

Hey there family! Hello from my new area of Ferrari in the zone of Marcos Paz, with my new companion Elder Bush who has five months in the mission! I received the news that both me and Elder Anderson were going to be transferred (sisters were put in our place in our area), and yeah, I got transferred to this area which is actually really close to my first area in Libertad (I´ve heard that every P-Day we go to Merlo to do internet and stuff like that - I´ll be back on stomping grounds!). I´m so happy! Elder Bush is awesome and he speaks Spanish really well - I´m very excited to work with him here and baptize as many people as we possibly can. The work is true and I know we´re going to do it.

Speaking of which...Dad, the mom of Elder Bush is named Amy you know her? Elder Bush said that you two went to Lehi High School together. Crazy huh? Elder Bush told me that it´s a small world, and I agree with him :) awesome huh? Elder Bush is a rocking Elder!

Thanks for all your great pictures you sent me Dad! I had a blast looking through all of them. It looks like San Francisco is an awesome place! That´s crazy you even got to see Alcatraz Prison (that´s what it´s called, right?). I´m glad that you had a fun trip and that you were able to eat at lots of nice restaurants, also that Carson and Mom were able to have lots of fun times as well :) yay! That makes me happy to hear that you guys are all so well! I´m doing perfectly well and I´m really happy to be here in the mission and, as you said Dad, the weeks sure pass like days! I am very happy and thankful to hear that you guys are all doing so well.

This last week with Elder Anderson was really good - it wasn´t the best in numbers, but I had a good last week in Luján. I was still nervous a little walking around at night-time, because were still lots of youngsters walking the streets up to no good, but nothing happened! So all is well for me!

Today we had transfer meeting (that´s why I´m writing so late) and that was really enjoyable. I traded ties with a few people in the zone who I got along with.

Thanks for sending me another mini package! I got a letter from Cc today - thank you Cc! I´ll be reading it here shortly - I hope she got my letter (I loaded it with pictures).

I´m glad Carson is doing so well. I´ll keep writing him even if he can´t write back - I love writing my brother and best friend! I´ve done it every p-day since I got here, and I´ll keep doing it until I end the mission! (I only missed one day, the day I had to write Grandma Nuttall´s talk). Speaking of which, that´s crazy to think Carson has been dating a lot- it´s a lot different than when I was last with him before the mission! I´m glad he´s progressing so much in life, and I´m sure he´ll continue to do so as long as he stays true and firm on the Lord´s side. The Lord needs him in his royal army.

That´s about it for now! I don´t know much about my area yet, so I´ll give you details next week :) write me back if you guys get this in time! I love my Family!

Elder Nuttall

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