Monday, March 1, 2010

Jordan's March 1, 2010 letter

Dear Family,

Hey there! Everything is going great, just so you know - we didn´t feel anything from the earthquake here in Buenos Aires, but yeah, I heard that a whole lot of people in Chile did! The Elders from Chile had the opportunity to call their families to make sure that they are all okay - from what I´ve heard, some of their families live really close to where everything went down, so we´ll hope that everything is alright and that there aren´t any problems with them. I´m sure the Lord is watching over them, because in every aspect He watches and blesses His missionaries and their families!!! :) :)

Thanks a million for your great emails - I was really happy to read them!! You guys always write the best letters in the whole world. I´m so grateful for your love and support for me in the mission, because I know there are many who don´t have such support (like the Elders who are the only members of the Church in their families). I´m sure blessed to have you as my family!!

Yesterday (Sunday) in Elder´s quorum they were talking about Elder Bednar´s talk from the last conference, about having strong relationships in the family and stuff like that. Franklin, the Elder´s Quorum President, asked me to share my experiences with you all with family home evening, because it´s a little different in the US than here (in some aspects, that is). I know we didn´t do it tons, but I told them about how much fun it was and all the great things I learned. I talked about all of you, and how it was fun to have lessons given by Carson or me, and Mom and Dad too, and that we´d learn good things from the scriptures and do a fun activity with the family afterwards, like buying ice cream or snowies. It brought back such good memories!! Everyone in the room was really happy to hear about how happy our family is and all the good memories for me that come from our Family Home Evenings. I´m very grateful for your great examples towards me, and for doing your great job in raising my brother and I. You´ve really raised us up in the light and in the truth!! (D & C 93:40).

So this week was good - we worked really hard, and had lots of success!! Our baptism fell through - the girl didn´t show up for the interview, and we called her and she told us that she didn´t want to get baptized any more, that she wants to keep drinking and drugging up and stuff, etc. So yeah, she´s kind of out of the picture now. We saw her yesterday and asked how she was doing, and she told us "Everything is great except I haven´t been baptized yet..."- that kind of fried my companion. He wasn´t very happy, but we told her if she needs anything just to call us. So yep!! No baptism, but that´s okay because it´s better that she does those things without the covenant right? If she would have returned back to all of that after being baptized, that would have been bad.

So I placed a new record in contacts!!! I did 56 contacts all by myself in one day - more than Elder Reyes has ever done, and my Zone Leaders were impressed by it. Not something to brag about, but I felt really good about that day - I did that and 12 lessons in one day. Cool huh?

And guess what else? I finished the Book of Mormon for the first time in Spanish!!! Woohoo!!! I´m reading it over again to mark it up nice and good and really study it hard. I sure love the Book of Mormon. I know it´s the word of God and that it really brings us more peace and happiness than any other book on the earth. It is truly a wonderful book!!

We did a load of service this Saturday! Five and a half hours we used in helping Patricia (the lady with her kids who has a house made out of cement, planks of wood, and sheets of metal for a roof) in fixing up her house. It was a ward project, but only us and like eight other people showed up. We cleaned out a LOAD of garbage and nasty stuff - Mom, you wouldn´t BELIEVE the giant spiders, cockroaches (sp?), worms, and other crazy insects we found buried under this stuff!!!! There were some spiders big enough that they looked like animals, and there were lot of toads too. Isn´t that nasty??? I´m glad we helped her clean things out, though, because now it´s much more clean!!!! We´re doing this because eventually they´re going to build a new, clean house next to where the one they´re using right now is. Yay!!! We´re very happy for them and that they´re finally going to have a nicer house to live in. With the conditions that are coming (it´s starting to cool off now - yay!), it would be very hard on her kids, because they´re all pretty young and the living conditions right now that they´re in aren´t good. We´re grateful that we could help and that we´re going to continue helping them out.

Mom...I am so happy for you!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) Yay!!! You have social security now!! I´m so grateful for this news - that you don´t have to worry about working, but rather just worry about getting better and getting some nice rest. I´m so happy for you!! Heavenly Father is really blessing you and the family, I am sure of it. I´m grateful that you have this wonderful news, and that finally our patience and prayers are paying off!! Yay Mom!!!

As for packages, they get to me when they get here. We have District Meeting every Tuesday, and that´s when mail comes, so once the package gets here I will get it on a Tuesday without a doubt. That´s how the system works, both for mail and for packages. As to what I could use...with the cold weather coming, I could use maybe some hot cocoa!!! Or something yummy like that that´s hot :) :) yay!! And also some cold medicine - I got a cold and the best I could do for medicine was Halls. Maybe you could get me some Dayquil/Nyquil or Sudafed or something like that? Music would be rocking too (classical stuff), and possibly some Dr. Shoells - I´ll be sending you pics of my shoes here in a bit. Don´t feel pressured for any of this, but that´s kind of my list of stuff I need or want right now. Thanks mom!!! You´re helping me out so much I can´t even explain it!!

That´s awesome with the Olympics!!! And also with inviting Grandpa, Amy and Troy over - that´d be fun if I were there to enjoy it too!! I loved it when they could all come over to our house - it usually didn´t happen to often but when it did it was the best!!! I love you all so much!! And that´s sweet with all the Olympics - sounds like the good ol´ USA is rocking the house in the winter olympics!! Woohoo!!

I think that´s about all for this ginormous letter - sorry about writing so much. I love you all so very much and I hope you enjoy this letter!! That´s about everything that went on this week - it was insane!! I love you and I´ll write another one of these in week!!

Elder Nuttall

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